Kawartha Food Share exists to ensure that all members of the Peterborough County-City community have access to a reliable emergency food source.
Kawartha Food Share believes that its role is to coordinate community resources to provide emergency food in a way which maintains dignity for all and is accountable to the community.
Kawartha Food Share provides a means by which those with food resources to "spare and share" can connect with those experiencing hunger in our community.
Kawartha Food Share is comprised of a number of member agencies, an active grassroots committee and a Board of Directors elected from a cross-section of the community.
Kawartha Food Share will work towards even greater public awareness on the impact of hunger through education, instruction, research and documenting the effects and reality of hunger in our communities.
Chair of the Board, Dave Ralph
Vice Chair of the Board, Andrew Burdett
Treasurer, Cathy McIntyre
Secretary, Susan King
Director, Cydney Kamping
Director, Ian Keay
Director, Tim Millard
Director, Jeff Crowe
General Manager:
Ashlee Aitken
(705) 745-5377 ex. 200
Office Administrator:
Mackenzie Mcilwain
(705) 745- 5377
Food & Warehouse Operations:
Jude Jesso
(705) 745-5377 ex. 302
Warehouse Assistant:
Brian Maloley
(705) 745- 5377 ex. 302